Nice long personal check in for you today, about my family vacation in Costa Rica. So. Much....
2024 Reflections + Yay Video Podcasting
How's 2024 going for you? Many folks I'm speaking with are juuussstt getting started with their years after a slow January.
On our end, we're transitioning to a more streamlined video podcast on Substack, called "Social Fertility: Leadership, Motherhood and Life".
I'm excited to share the first episode with you.
In this vlog, you'll hear:
a deeper personal update/check in (so much happening!)
why we decided to move to this format, and what you can expect moving forward
a reflection on how to activate deeper care in the workplace and at home during times of hustle
Soil and Shadow's plans for 2024 and how we can collaborate
I'm very much looking forward to your thoughts. Hope you're well - send me a note about how the year is starting in your world, I'd love to hear from you.
Take care,
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