How's 2024 going for you? Many folks I'm speaking with are juuussstt getting started with their...
Power Over, Power Under, Power With
Nikki Silvestri and Vonda Vaden Bates coming at you with a social fertility check-in.
We wanted to start with a personal check-in called a SPIRE, a tool that Vonda taught me way back when she was my executive coach through my hard times as a nonprofit Executive Director.
SPIRE is a holistic way to check in with yourself and others, an acronym for Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual, Relational and Emotional. When I'm coaching others, if I'm working in a system or with an individual where "spiritual" feels like a heavy lift, we switch to "senses" (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch).
In today's vlog, hear:
- Vonda and I's SPIRE check in, with a sweet story of holding my little boy through the deep grief of losing his grandmother
- A discussion about ways to engage power with agency, and examples of one of my favorite organizational development tools, The 4th View.
- What have "power over" my children as a mother taught me about having "power over" others as a manager.
Take care,
Nikki Silvestri
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